In progress

Perceived wealth and sensory difficulty in risky decision-making.
Behavioral and neural effects of perceived wealth and sensory task difficulty.

Layer- and frequency-specific task engagement modulation in the visual cortex.
Classification of local field potentials evoked by visual stimuli in different task demands.

Talks & Posters

UvA 2024

D. Ferro, "From attention to intention: how covert and overt gaze behavior implements the selective encoding of reward variables", Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences (SILS), System Cognitive Neuroscience Group (SCN) at the Faculty of Science, University van Amsterdam, (UvA), October 2024 (Amsterdam, NL 🇳🇱). [abstract]

ICT 2024

D. Ferro, T. Cash-Padgett, M. Z. Wang, B. Y. Hayden, R. Moreno-Bote, “Economic decision-making in the brain: how does gaze relate to the activity of orbitofrontal cortex neurons?”, International Conference on Thinking (ICT2024), June 2024 (Milan, IT 🇮🇹). [programme] [talk]

ICT 2024

R. Moreno Bote, D. Ferro and J. Ramirez-Ruiz. "Theories of intrinsically motivated behavior: comparing Empowerment, Free Energy Principle and Maximum Occupancy Principle", International Conference on Thinking (ICT2024), June 2024 (Milan, IT 🇮🇹). [programme] [poster]

CCN 2023

D. Ferro, A. Rifé-Mata, T. Cash-Padgett, M. Z. Wang, B. Y. Hayden, R. Moreno-Bote, “The role of gaze for value encoding and recollection in orbitofrontal cortex”, Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN), August 2023 (Oxford, UK 🇬🇧). [programme] [abstract] [poster]

HBP WP2 2023

D. Ferro, A. Rifé-Mata, T. Cash-Padgett, M. Z. Wang, B. Y. Hayden, R. Moreno-Bote, “Gaze-centered gating and re-activation of value encoding in orbitofrontal cortex”, HBP Work Package 2 Meeting, June 2023 (Barcelona, ES 🇪🇸). [programme] [talk]

HBP Summit 2023

D. Ferro, A. Rifé-Mata, T. Cash-Padgett, M. Z. Wang, B. Y. Hayden, R. Moreno-Bote,“Looking at previous cue sites reactivates value coding for serial evaluation in orbitofrontal cortex”, HBP Summit 2023, March 2023 (Marseille, FR 🇫🇷). [programme] [poster]


D. Ferro, A. Rifé-Mata, T. Cash-Padgett, M. Z. Wang, B. Y. Hayden, R. Moreno-Bote, “Recalling what was there: Eye position in reward gambling and the role of orbito-frontal cortex in encoding the value of visually cued offers”, Multi-Scale Brain Function India-Italy Network of Excellence (MSBFIINE), Dec 2022 (Varenna, IT 🇮🇹). [programme] [abstract] [talk]

Barccsyn 2022

D. Ferro, A. Rifé-Mata, T. Cash-Padgett, M. Z. Wang, B. Y. Hayden, R. Moreno-Bote, “Imagining what was there: Looking at an absent offer location modulates neural response in orbito-frontal cortex.”, Barcelona Computational, Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience (Barccsyn), May 2022 (Barcelona, ES 🇪🇸). [abstract] [poster]

Cosyne 2022

D. Ferro, A. Rifé-Mata, T. Cash-Padgett, M. Z. Wang, B. Y. Hayden, R. Moreno-Bote, “Imagining what was there: Looking at an absent offer location modulates neural response in orbito-frontal cortex.”, Cosyne, March 2022 (Lisbon and Cascais, PT 🇵🇹). [programme] [poster]


D. Ferro, A. Rifé-Mata, T. Cash-Padgett, M. Z. Wang, B. Y. Hayden, R. Moreno-Bote, “Is your gaze your aim? Eye position in reward gambling and the role of orbitofrontal cortex in encoding the value of visually cued offers.”, COREDEM (Human Brain Project, WP2), Nov. 2021 (Barcelona, ES 🇪🇸). [programme] [talk]

SENC 2021

D. Ferro, A. Rifé-Mata, T. Cash-Padgett, M. Z. Wang, B. Y. Hayden, R. Moreno-Bote, “Is your gaze your aim? Eye position in reward gambling and the role of orbitofrontal cortex in encoding the value of visually cued offers.”, Sociedad Española de neurociencia (SENC), Nov. 2021 (Lleida, ES 🇪🇸). [programme] [poster]

SINC² 2021

D. Ferro, A. Rifé-Mata, T. Cash-Padgett, M. Z. Wang, B. Y. Hayden, R. Moreno-Bote, “Is your gaze your aim? Eye position in reward gambling and the role of orbitofrontal cortex in encoding the value of visually cued offers.”, Spanish Network for the Interaction between Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience (SINC²), Nov. 2021 (Lleida, ES 🇪🇸). [programme] [talk]

Barccsyn 2021

D. Ferro, A. Rifé-Mata, T. Cash-Padgett, M. Z. Wang, B. Y. Hayden, R. Moreno-Bote, “Is your gaze your aim? Eye position in reward gambling and the role of orbitofrontal cortex in encoding the value of visually cued offers.”, Barcelona Computational, Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience (Barccsyn), July 2021 (Barcelona, ES 🇪🇸). [abstract] [poster]

INT 2020

D. Ferro, J. van Kempen, M. Boyd, S. Panzeri, A. Thiele, “Effects of attention on Granger causal interactions between cortical layers and cortical areas V1 and V4”, Institut de Neuroscience de la Timone (INT), Feb. 2020 (Marseille, FR 🇫🇷). [programme] [talk]

SfN 2019

D. Ferro, J. van Kempen, M. Boyd, S. Panzeri, A. Thiele, “Effects of attention on Granger causal interactions between cortical layers and cortical areas V1 and V4”, Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), 2019 (Chicago, IL, USA 🇺🇸). [programme] [abstract] [poster]

Unitn 2018

D. Ferro, J. van Kempen, M. Boyd, S. Panzeri, A. Thiele, “Effects of attention on visual processing between cortical layers and cortical areas V1 and V4.” PhD Doctoral student Day at the University of Trento, 2019 (Rovereto, IT 🇮🇹). [abstract] [poster]

Unitn 2017

D. Ferro, J. van Kempen, M. Boyd, S. Panzeri, A. Thiele, “Effects of attention on visual processing between cortical layers and cortical areas V1 and V4.” Ten Years of Mind/Brain Sciences Conference at the University of Trento, 2017 (Rovereto, IT 🇮🇹). [abstract] [poster]

SfN 2017

A. Thiele, D. Ferro, M. Boyd and S. Panzeri, “Layer dependent attentional modulation of broad and narrow spiking cells in primate V1”, Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), 2017 (Washington, DC, USA 🇺🇸). [programme] [abstract]

Attended Events

CASES 2024

CASES (Citizen science And SciEntific reSearch), EUTOPIA Impact and Dissemination, Sept 2024 (Barcelona, ES 🇪🇸). [certificate]

Barccsyn 2024

Barcelona Computational, Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience (Barccsyn), May 2024 (Barcelona, ES 🇪🇸). [programme]

Barccsyn 2023

Barcelona Computational, Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience (Barccsyn), May 2023 (Barcelona, ES 🇪🇸). [programme]

HBP PFC 2023

Anatomy and function of the prefrontal cortex across species (Human Brain Project), March 2023 (Paris, FR 🇫🇷). [programme]

HBP WP2 2023

COREDEM (Human Brain Project, Work Package 2), July 2022 (Paris, FR 🇫🇷). [programme]

Neural Coding 2018

Neural Coding Conference at the University of Turin, 2018 (Turin, IT 🇮🇹) [programme]

Slow Dyn 2017

Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Cortical Dynamics Workshop, 2017 (Rovereto, IT 🇮🇹) [programme]

Organized Events

Barccssyn 2024

The 10th Retreat of the Barccsyn community, Nov 2024 (Sant Feliu de Guixols, ES 🇪🇸).

Barccssyn 2022

The 7th Retreat of the Barccsyn community, Feb 2022 (Sant Feliu de Guixols, ES 🇪🇸).


The COREDEM (Human Brain Project, Work Package 2) Meeting, Nov 2021 (Barcelona, ES 🇪🇸).

Lab Fair 2018

Lab Fair: work exhibition at the Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (Cimec), Nov 2018 (Rovereto, IT 🇮🇹).

Brown Bag 2017-18

Brown Bag: lunchtime, weekly meetings at the Center for Mind/Brain Sciences, Mar 2017 - Apr 2018 (Rovereto, IT 🇮🇹).